While there are no absolutes (everyone matures at different rates), we are firm believers and practitioners in the age appropriateness of athletic training.  All of our training regimes are customized for the individual, but the following principles are followed for our younger athletes.  Above all, PSP is always a supportive, positive and inspiring environment.

Goals for Young Athletes Ages 7-11

  • Self-esteem

  • Running techniques

  • Fun and teamwork

  • Sportsmanship

  • Agility and balance

  • Character and confidence development

  • Body mechanics

  • Speed and stamina

  • Motor skill development

  • Age-appropriate strength and resistance training fundamentals

  • Work ethic

  • Conditioning foundations

  • Love of sports

Goals for Student Athletes Ages 12-14

While all of the goals mentioned above for our younger athletes continue to be emphasized, we also add the following elements to our training for 12 - 14 year-olds:

  • Sport specific coordination development

  • Increase conditioning capacity

  • Maximize speed, explosiveness and stamina

  • Increase agility and change of direction

  • Age-appropriate weightlifting

  • Essentials of injury prevention

  • Fundamentals of weight lifting

  • Improve footwork, rhythm and balance

  • Healthy lifestyles

Goals for Prep Athletes Ages 15-18

Please refer to the above goals for younger athletes that we practice.  All are fundamentals that we continue to emphasize in our custom training for high school athletes.  However, PSP prep training for ages 15-18 is more in line with what is offered at high level Division-1 collegiate programs.  The exception is that we are always mindful of injury prevention (particularly as it relates to growth cycles) and will never risk an athlete’s long-term physical and mental health for short term gain.

  • Techniques for dramatic improvements in speed, quickness and explosiveness

  • High-level footwork, coordination, and balance

  • Custom training in specific areas needing development

  • Advanced conditioning

  • Maximizing Flexibility

  • Athletic-based weightlifting and resistance training

  • Optimize mobility and change of direction

  • Increase measurables for recruitment