Our Story

Power Sports Performance is a family-owned business that is dedicated to athletic training and sports conditioning.  Brock Lutes and Sarah Welch acquired the facility in early 2023.  They are passionate about working with young adults and athletes, as well as helping each individual reach their personal goals.  Both Brock and Sarah have backgrounds in working with disadvantaged youth and are continuing those efforts through Power Sports Performance.  A core principle of PSP is altruism and the gym is teaming up with nonprofit organizations to better serve the local community.

Brock Lutes

Head of Training Staff

In 2015, when the Denver Broncos signed Brock Lutes as a tight end, he was widely touted as an “Uber Athlete.”  Powerfully built at 220, he posted astounding 40-yard dash times from 4.21 – 4.4 and exceeded 40” in the vertical jump.  Numbers that shocked the media.

Although Lutes had been a D1 football recruit and accepted a full ride to Washington State, he had instead opted to play college basketball at Bemidji State, earning all-conference recognition, leading the league in scoring and amassing a highlight reel of powerful dunks that went viral.  Despite the accolades, Lutes knew that a devoted training routine was instrumental to his success.

Injuries derailed his career with the Broncos and Minnesota Vikings, but Lutes did eventually star as a linebacker and receiver for the Salt Lake Screaming Eagles in the IFL before hanging up his cleats to be able to spend more time with his young daughter.

Having excelled at two major sports at a high level, Lutes had been exposed to state-of-the-art training facilities and techniques.  Gradually, he adopted the best practices he had learned from more than a dozen professional trainers into custom programs of his own.  Soon, he was training other athletes.

While highly in demand as a personal trainer and clinician, Lutes took time out to coach both high school football and basketball before agreeing to purchase Power Sports Performance and devoting his full attention to athletic training.

“It had long been a dream of mine to run a sports training facility devoted to the unique needs of youth, high school, collegiate and professional athletes,” explained Lutes.  “In this era of analytics, coaches and GMs are relying on measurables more than ever when selecting their players.  Through proper training, we can dramatically increase any athlete’s speed, power, agility and strength… safely and sustainably.  No matter what your sport, we can help you reach the next level.”

“Unfortunately, strength and conditioning coaches rarely have been pro-level athletes themselves,” added Lutes.  “I have.  That experience gives me a unique understanding of what is required to excel.  My success as a trainer is directly related to the rapport I develop with each athlete.  I’m not just an owner, I’m in our facility everyday working directly with our clients of all ages.  When you visit Power Sports Performance you may be working out next to a pro, but you’ll always receive the exact same personal attention.”

“Choose your trainer as carefully as you choose your sport,” councils Lutes.  “We don’t want you to just achieve athletically, we’re training you to succeed in life.”